IBM SPSS is a statistics and data analysis program for businesses, governments, research institutes, and academic organizations. In these tutorials, Expert tutors at Megatek Ict Academy takes a practical, visual, and non-mathematical approach to SPSS. From importing spreadsheets to creating regression models, to exporting charts, this course covers all the basics, with an emphasis on clarity, interpretation, communicability, and application. We will help you:
-Build charts, scatterplots, and box plots
-Calculate descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations
-Use inferential statistics such as t-tests and chi-squares
-Enter and read data
-Create new variables and cross tabulations
-Model associations with correlations, contingency tables, and multiple-regression analysis
-Format and export presentations to share your data




The goal of the course is to increase knowledge and requisite skills of participants on the use of SPSS and to enable them make the most of this powerful software package while allowing them to work independently with SPSS on their own data and provide a solid foundation for advanced data analysis work.


Who should attend?


This course is recommended for those who require knowledge on SPSS or Students and researchers in academics or industry practitioners familiar with statistical processes, Develop skills on the fundamentals of using SPSS and basic experience with Windows operating system is needed prior to attending.


Course outline

Data definition and access
Defining variables and entering data using the built-in Data Editor
Applying dictionary information from another file
Importing data from spreadsheets and other applications
Data modification
Computing new variables and recording data values
Selecting subsets of the data
Splitting data files to obtain sub-group summaries
Data analysis and presentation
Levels of measurement (types of data)
Summarizing variables using frequencies and descriptives
Bar charts, histograms and boxplots
Summaries of central tendency (e.g. mean, median and mode)
Summaries of spread and shape (e.g. standard deviation, skewness) The ‘normal distribution’ and its importance
Producing crosstabulation tables and testing for significant relationships with chisquare
Assessing relationships between continuous variables through plots and correlations


Duration: 2 weeks



Batch A: 6th – 17th May


Fee:  55,000.00

To register, fill the form below or call 08033146625