WordPress (WordPress.org) is a free open-source content management systemCMS) based on PHP& MySQL Features include a plugin architecture  and a template system.To create a wordpress page ,do the following.A great percentage of websites in the world are made with wordpress.Wordpress is very easy to use and affordable to maintain too

1.Download the zipped file of wordpress from wordpress.org

2. Go to your pc and unzipped the file and save

3.Go to local disk C on your PC and then to  wamp64 . Then go to www.Create a new folder and copy the unzipped file of wordpress to the folder you just opened.

4. Then swich on your wamp server

5. on your browser go to localhost/(the name of your folder you created)

6. Then go to mySQL and create a data base for your file

7. Follow the instruction from 5 above

8. If you are supposed to put username put root and leave the password empty for now

9. Follow the instructions from the result above (7)

10. Self hosting wordpress site is ready.

To host a real website , you might to buy a domain name and servers. There are lot of companies who offer such services. Some of them are:



3.Qserver  and lots more

Also you can new themes ,plugins to your wordpress site.


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